Foundations in Herbalism - Dried Herb Extracts

  • Lighthouse Yoga Studio

    1731 Dawson Street
    Wilmington, North Carolina 28403

Curious about making and using herbal extracts for yourself and family? Have you been dabbling in herbalism, but want to make sure your creations are safe and effective? This class is ideal for the beginning to intermediate student of herbalism and will help build confidence, a working materia medica in a supportive community setting. 

Each class will cover an in-depth exploration of the uses and benefits of the specific herbal extract and 3 medicinal herbs that extract well using that method. Students will explore using the Folk and Weight-to-Volume methods of making extracts, with an emphasis on safety and potency of preparations. After the workshop series, students are expected to be competent and confident in working with a variety of medicinal herbs and extracts. Students will also learn good research methods, Good Manufacturing Practices for making, storing, and selling herbal extracts and an introduction to a wide variety of teachers, schools and traditions of herbal medicine. Herbal Extracts may include water extracts, alcohol, vingear, and glycerin based tinctures, infused oils and salves. 


Class Dates:

Thursdays from 6-8 PM

January 30th

February 6, 13, 20, 27

March 6th

Registration and Tuition 

**Please Note** When purchasing tickets, the ticket price is listed per class, and all six classes are sold as a series. 

  • Early Bird Registration : 
    • Paid in Full Registration through December 30th, 2024: $300*
  • Regular Tuition: $330*  
    • Registration is open until the class is full or the start date.
  • Scholarships available via the Helen Sisler and Ruth Roughgarden Memorial Scholarship - visit to apply. 

*Does not include processing fee.


We do not offer refunds, but your registration may be transferred to another person. 

Venue Details

Lighthouse Yoga Studio

1731 Dawson Street
Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Lighthouse Yoga Studio
Seagate School of Holistic Herbalism


About us



Kathryn Sisler Waple

Certificate in the Fundamentals of Herbalism from Appalachian School of Holistic Herbalism; Apprentice with Corinna Wood of Red Moon Herbs;

BA in English from UNCW, certificate in High School Education

Kathryn Waple is an herbalist who has been working with plants for more than 15 years. Her passion is in teaching people about how to use and grow medicinal herbs safely and easily for the benefit of the whole family. She teaches classes on growing, harvesting and using medicinal herbs.

"Learning about herbalism and natural/alternative health is a form of community activism. I think it is a crucial part of bringing people together. I would like to infuse the local community with a sense of responsibility and support for individual health. Being able to heal yourself is an empowering act that lays a foundation for the ability to heal your community."

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